Script started on Sat Sep 3 10:30:56 2011 [crees@zeus]~/workspace/ports/pcvs/mk_oddness% cat Makefile USE_OPENLDAP= yes .include .if ${OPENLDAP_VER} > 22 openldap= OPENLDAP_VER is OK! .endif echo: @echo ${openldap} .include [crees@zeus]~/workspace/ports/pcvs/mk_oddness% make echo "Makefile", line 5: Malformed conditional (${OPENLDAP_VER} > 22) "Makefile", line 7: if-less endif make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue # WTF? Let's chop out the conditinals and test OPENLDAP_VER... [crees@zeus]~/workspace/ports/pcvs/mk_oddness% sed -Ei.bak '/^\.[ie][fn][^c]/d' Makefile [crees@zeus]~/workspace/ports/pcvs/mk_oddness% make -V OPENLDAP_VER 24 # Oh great, so it's defined, but only after I bet cool # includes like don't fail like this. What am I supposed to do now? [crees@zeus]~/workspace/ports/pcvs/mk_oddness% ^Dexit Script done on Sat Sep 3 10:31:37 2011